Advanced Home InspectionsHome, Radon, and Wood Destroying Insect Inspections for Central Nebraska |
Home Inspection Client TestimonialsThank you for the well informed home evaluation service. Our move to York to Geneva, NE began in Corpus Christi, TX where we were on the selling side of the home sales event. During that cycle we had the occasion to have our home inspected and some items were found that we were not aware of. But those were cosmetic. The inspector also made an observation that caused a big knee jerk reaction towards the furnace which later was found to be unfounded after a large investment in further inspection and testing.
The inspection you provided was very thorough and well documented by photos. You made it clear what observations you could and could not provide in the inspection and you kept your inspection to accurate observations. You have a reputation with looking at your scope carefully and finding structural gaps on homes as an example. There are several findings you had in the home we are negotiating on to purchase and while none of them are deal breakers we now have confidence that we are getting a home with a good idea of what we need to fix or have fixed in the near future. I will recommend your service to anyone who will listen. I hope you stay as busy as you want to be and I appreciate your integrity and non-compromising attitude about telling the truth in your inspections.
Tom and Joni Hoyland
Geneva, NE
Wow that was fast! Thank you! It looks like you were very very thorough! Thanks again, Lynda Wood River, NE
I just wanted to thank you for doing such a thorough job when you looked at the house on Circle Drive for us. I will definitely be recommending you to anyone who asks! Kristy Grand Island, NE |