Advanced Home InspectionsHome, Radon, and Wood Destroying Insect Inspections for Central Nebraska |
What's Inspected During A Home InspectionThe most important part of an inspection is the safety of the occupants of the home whether the inspection is for the buyer or selIer. Items in the inspection of the property include: -Electrical -HVAC operation -Plumbing -Kitchen Appliance Function -Roof Coverings -Guttering -Exterior Surfaces -Foundations (visible portions) -Lots and Grounds -Crawl Spaces -Insulation -Doors -Windows The home is inspected to the standards of when it was built. Exception to that rule may be made if portions of the home have been remodeled and/or safety hazards are found. Can a home a fail an inspection? The answer to that question is NO! A home inspection is an examination of the current condition of the home. Radon testing and Wood Destroying Organism inspections are also available. |